

来源:985论文网 添加时间:2020-04-13 11:53
摘 要
  为尽可能的获得真实的支付意愿,本文提出了使用条件价值法的原则和实施要点,使用原则主要有:问卷的整体设计要合理、面访是最可靠的调查方式、预调查是重要环节、WTP 指标比 WTA 更为优越,实施要点主要有:合理设计问卷、核心估值问题的设置以及总体样本量的确定,其中总体样本量的确定受非使用价值影响因素的影响。
  本文选取宏村古村落景区进行实证研究,对宏村古村落景区发展历程、发展优势和非使用价值构成情况进行简要的介绍,对宏村古村落是否属于公共物品(被评估物品是公共物品是使用条件价值法的前提)进行了分析,以条件价值法作为评估方法、意愿支付值(WTP)作为关键技术指标,设计合理的支付卡式调查问卷。在利用西弗尔公式确定问卷调查的最低样本数为 204 份后,采用结合实地问卷调查和网络问卷调查两种方式,通过筛选,共得到 259 份有效数据。利用 Excel 表格记录这些原始数据,了解游客对宏村古村落的意愿支付情况以及游客的相关要素;将收集到的意愿支付值原始数据作为灰色 GM(1,1)模型的原始数据,进行灰建模,消除数据波动带来的影响,从而得到较为真实的意愿支付值;从非使用价值影响因素—知名度的角度分析,出于谨慎性考虑,选择以江浙沪皖四个省市的就业人口作为总体样本量;以问卷调查得出的意愿支付率作为整体样本的意愿支付率,从而得到宏村古村落风景区的非使用价值约为 7.2 亿元。
  利用 SPSS 软件对影响游客意愿支付率的要素进行相关分析,得出游客的满意程度、偏好程度与意愿支付为极显着相关,游客的到访次数与意愿支付为显着相关,游客的月收入与意愿支付为较显着相关,游客的性别、年龄、职业与意愿支付无关,并在此分析的基础上,对宏村古村落的可持续发展提出了一些建议,建议主要是从保护古村落以及提高游客的满意度角度出发。
  关键词:  旅游资源资产;非使用价值评估;价值影响因素;条件价值法。
  With the continuous development of tourism market, how to balanced development of traveling economy and sustainable development of resources has become the focus of everyone's attention. Value assessment in the field of tourism= resources has also begun to attract the attention of scholars at home and abroad,becoming one of the hot spots in the evaluation of the value of resource assets.
  For the purpose of perfecting the value system of tourism resource assets, this paper studies the non-use value of tourism resource assets.The value of tourism resources is mainly composed of the use value and the non-use value, of which the non-use value, as the value that has not been used by people for the time being, may be ignored when the tourism development sets reasonable ticket price and the jointventure develops the converted shares of tourism resources, leading to the undervaluation of the value of tourism resources. At present, most domestic scholars conduct qualitative research on ancient villages, hoping to promote the evaluation of= non-use value of ancient village tourism resources by selecting Hongcun ancient village as a case study in this paper.
  This article through to the domestic and foreign in the field of tourism resource value of the asset assessment, generalizes the research content in the field of ancient villages, the tourism resources, ancient villages, tourist resources asset value is defined, the classification of tourism resources value, analyzes the influence factors of non-use values, from the perspective of value factors affecting on the traditional evaluation method, the field of tourism resource value method to analyze the applicability, the final choice Condition Value Method is used to evaluate the non-use value assessment of tourism resource assets.
  Through the theoretical and empirical research on the conditional value method at home and abroad, it is found that the conditional value method mainly builds an imaginary market and, in the form of questionnaire survey, understands people's willingness to pay under some set hypothetical situations, and then estimates the value.
  Through the questionnaire survey, understanding the real willingness to pay is the key to accurately estimate the value using the conditional value method.'s willingness to pay (WTP) for as much as possible, get real, this paper puts forward the principles and implementation of the conditions of use value method, using principles mainly include: the overall design of the questionnaire interview to reasonable, is the most reliable way of investigation, preliminary investigation is an important link, the WTP index more superior than WTA, key points are: reasonable design of the questionnaire,core valuation problem set, and the determination of the overall sample size, including the determination of the overall sample size affected by the influence factor of non-use values.
  This paper select Hongcun ancient as the research object, introduce the Hongcun ancient scenic area development course, development advantages and non-use value composition were introduced briefly, and whether to Hongcun ancient belongs to public goods (be evaluated objects is the precondition of public goods is the use of conditional value method) are analyzed, and choose to condition value method forevaluating method, the willingness to pay (WTP), value as a key technical index,design reasonable payment card questionnaire, collecting real willingness to pay as much as possible.After determining the minimum sample number of the questionnaire survey with siffle formula is 204, a total of 259 valid data are obtained by combining field questionnaire survey and network questionnaire survey.Use Excel tables torecord these raw data to understand tourists' willingness to pay for Hongcun ancient villages and related elements of tourists. The original data of willingness to pay collected are taken as the original data of the gray GM (1,1) model to conduct gray modeling to eliminate the influence caused by data fluctuations, so as to obtain a more real value of willingness to pay; From the perspective of non-use value influencing factor -- visibility, the employment population of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui was selected as the overall sample size out of prudence. The willingness to pay rate obtained from the questionnaire survey is taken as the overall sample, so that the non-use value of Hongcun ancient village scenic spot is about 720 million yuan.
  With software SPSS to analyze relevant factors affect the tourists intend to pay rates, it is concluded that tourists' satisfaction degree, and willing to pay significantly associated with the degree of preference, the number of visiting tourists, and the willingness to pay significant correlation, visitors monthly income and the willingness to pay is significantly related to gender, age, occupation and the willingness to tourists pay nothing. On the basis of this analysis, some Suggestions are put forward for the sustainable development of Hongcun ancient villages, which are mainly from the perspectives of protection and improvement of tourists' satisfaction.
  At the end of the paper, the author summarizes the whole paper and points out the shortcomings of the research.
  Key words:   Tourism resource assets; Non-use value assessment; Factor of value influencing; CVM。
  第一章 绪论
  第一节 研究背景与意义。


  第二节 文献综述。

  国外研究最早开始于 20 世纪 50 年代初,当时的研究主要依托于经济学:通过分析旅游资源的成本和收益,结合会计计算得出旅游资源的价值。1976 年,经济学家约翰克路蒂拉提出了“舒适性资源的经济价值理论”,这是最早在旅游资源价值研究领域的理论,为今后的旅游资源资产领域价值评估奠定了基础。
  20 世纪 70 年代后期,学术界开始从机会成本、消费者剩余、理性经济人等角度思考自然资源和环境之间关系,重新构建了自然资源的评价体系。20世纪80年代,学术界对旅游资源价值的定义进行了补充,其中Mitchell 和Carson 提出了:旅游资源价值还应该包括非使用价值,比如选择价值和遗产价值。他们还对这些价值的基本概念进行了界定。因为旅游资源资产属于旅游资源,所以这也促进了旅游资源资产价值体系的理论部分不断完善。21 世纪以后,旅游资源资产价值评估的案例也越来越多。
  旅行费用法(TCM)是最早被学者们提出的方法,该方法引入了经济学中“消费者剩余”理论,基于一个旅游景点的价格来计算景点所花费的旅行成本是这个方法的核心。旅行费用法最早可以追溯到哈罗德霍特林在 1947 年的相关论述,Clawson 在实践中应用。之后 Andrew Trice 和 Samuel Wood 等人将旅行费用法相关理论体系进一步完善和发展。
  20 世纪 50 年代,享乐定价法开始发展,开始获得肯定以及应用推广。享乐定价法以享乐模型(模型基于效用论中“商品的价值取决于商品各方面的属性给予消费者的满足”建立)为基础进行评估。
  20 世纪 90 年代后期,条件价值法(CVM)发展并开始在资源评估方法中占据主导地位,这个方法主要用于缺少市场价格参考的评估中,在案例中应用也比较成功,将条件价值法首次应用于实践中的是戴维斯。1963 年,戴维斯应用条件价值法研究缅因州宿营、狩猎以及娱乐价值,这个实践在推动了条件价值法的应用发展的同时,对于林业资源相关研究也有重大意义。之后的几十年里,关于CVM 的研究开始爆发式地发展,其中以 1989 年 Carson 对 Exxon Valed 油轮海上溢油事故进行的环境影响研究意义最为深远。
  美国推动了条件价值法在环境物品经济价值评估领域中应用。1979 年,美国国家海洋和大气管理局等机构将条件价值法作为评估海洋和大气非使用价值的方法,并具体地提出了条件价值法使用原则。20 世纪 90 年代以后,学术界开始对采用条件价值法的有效性和可靠性的进行研究。


第五章 结论


  通过查阅国内外相关领域研究和对评估方法的适用性分析,发现条件价值法是目前国内外公认的评估旅游资源资产非使用价值最有效的方法,其关键点是意愿支付值的计算和总体样本量的确定。本文通过设计调查问卷、进行问卷调查,通过问卷相关数据,了解了游客意愿支付情况。在预测游客的真实支付意愿支付值时,未采用常规的中值计算法计算意愿支付值,而是利用灰色 GM(1,1)模型消除数据波动带来的影响,从而更为有效地预测游客的真实支付意愿情况;在总体样本量的确定上,出于谨慎性考虑,以江浙沪皖四个省市的就业人口为总体样本量,最终求得宏村古村落的非使用价值为 7.2 亿元。


