

来源:985论文网 添加时间:2020-01-03 08:58
摘 要
  选取天坛生物进行研究的原因有三:首先,作为医药行业的细分行业之一,血制品行业受国家高度监管,其发展模式受政策影响程度要远高于其他行业,具有很高的行业特殊性。其次,在血制品行业集中化发展的大背景下,天坛生物打响了 2017 年行业内集中整合的第一枪,这一举动引发了社会广泛的关注度,具有行业典型性。再次,天坛生物无论是经营管理能力还是风险控制能力均位列行业平均水平之上,对其进行财务分析具有行业代表性。
  文章对天坛生物财务报表的分析从战略分析、会计分析、财务分析及前景分析四个层面逐一展开。在战略分析方面,本文选用 SWOT 分析法着重对血液制品行业的宏观大局和天坛生物的行业核心竞争力进行了分析。在会计分析方面,结合企业财务报表披露的信息,深入了解了天坛生物关键的会计政策和会计估计。在财务分析方面,从偿债能力、运营能力、获利能力和现金流量四个角度入手,对天坛生物的整体财务水平进行了评估。在前景分析方面,结合以上三部分的分析结果合理预测了天坛生物未来的发展空间。最后基于哈佛分析框架得出的结论,对企业的经营和发展提出了个人建议并对整个分析过程进行了总结,在一定程度上,可为同行业的其他企业以及医药行业的投资者提供参考。
  关键词: 哈佛分析框架,天坛生物,财务分析。
  Financial Statement Analysis of Tiantan Biological Co., Ltd. Based on Harvard Analysis Framework
  Influenced by national policies, the number of listed enterprises in China has been increasing in recent years. In many industries, the pharmaceutical industry as a livelihood boom industry, the number of listed companies is increasing significantly.Although the pharmaceutical industry enjoys considerable benefits and rapid development momentum in China, due to the uneven strength of each listed company in this industry and the difficulty in distinguishing good and bad quality of the drugs produced, a large number of enterprises cannot achieve steady development in the fierce market competition. For investors, learning to analyze and judge the future growth ability of an enterprise is a key factor to improve the investment level.Financial statement plays an important role in helping investors and managers to make rational decisions as the main tool to analyze corporate financial situation.However, the analysis of the financial condition of enterprises, rely on the financial statements of the data analysis is difficult to accurately and timely research results,therefore, to deeply understand the real operating conditions of enterprises in the financial analysis should not be limited to the enterprise issued by financial data, andthe non-financial factors should be introduced to the enterprise existing problems in the process of the development and to discuss the potential risks, etc. Non-financialfactors mainly include the internal and external environment of the enterprise, the opportunities and challenges faced by the enterprise in its development process, aswell as the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise itself. These factors can help the analysts to further analyze the root causes of the enterprise's problems andseek effective solutions. In view of the above practical needs, this paper selects Beijing Tiantan biological products co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Tiantanbiological) as the research object, and applies Harvard analysis framework that focuses on both financial factors and non-financial factors to analyze its financial status. There are three reasons for the selection of Tiantan biology for research. Firstly,as one of the subdivided industries of the pharmaceutical industry, the blood productindustry is highly regulated by the state, and its development mode is much more affected by the policies than other industries, with high industry particularity.  Secondly, under the background of centralized development of the blood products industry, Tiantan biology has fired the first shot of centralized integration in the industry in 2017. This move has attracted wide attention from the society and is typical in the industry. Thirdly, both operation management ability and risk control ability of Tiantan biological are above the average level of the industry. Financial analysis of Tiantan biological is representative of the industry.
  This paper analyzes the financial statements of Tiantan from four aspects: strategic analysis, accounting analysis, financial analysis and prospect analysis. In terms of strategic analysis, SWOT analysis is adopted to analyze the macroscopic situation of blood products industry and the core competitiveness of Tiantan biological industry. In terms of accounting analysis, this paper, combined with the information disclosed in the financial statements of enterprises, has a deep understanding of the key accounting policies and accounting estimates of enterprises.In terms of financial analysis, the overall financial level of the company is evaluated from the perspectives of debt paying ability, operation ability, profitability and cashflow. In the aspect of perspective analysis, the future development space of Tiantan biology is reasonably predicted based on the analysis results of the above three parts.Finally, based on the conclusion drawn from Harvard's analysis framework, the author puts forward personal suggestions on the operation and development of enterprises and summarizes the whole analysis process. To some extent, it can provide reference for other enterprises in the same industry and investors in the pharmaceutical industry.
  Key words:  Harvard analysis framework, Tiantan biological, Financial analysis。
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及意义。
  1.1.1 研究背景。

  21 世纪生物势力席卷全球,在大趋势面前,中国政府抢抓机遇大力扶持发展生物产业。其中,生物医药行业作为新兴行业的代表,其市场发展前景一片光明。在我国 2017 年发布的《“十三五”生物产业发展规划》中订立目标,到2020 年,国内生物产业规模突破 8 万亿元,力争达到 10 万亿元,使增加值在GDP 中所占比重超过 4%。近年来,借助生物技术、微生物学、药学、化学等多学科的发展,生物医药新技术和新成果大量涌现,行业发展十分神速。血制品行业作为生物医药行业的细分行业之一,行业特点尤为显着,故笔者将本次研究对象锁定在了这一行业上。
  本文选取医药类上市公司——天坛生物作为研究对象,天坛生物是一家行业影响力大、产品研发能力强的老牌医药企业, 1998 年该公司在上海证券交易所挂牌上市。历经多年锤炼,目前已成为国内综合实力最强的生物制品产业基地之一,下辖多家子公司。选取天坛生物进行研究的原因有三:首先,作为医药行业的细分行业之一,血制品行业受国家高度监管,其发展模式受政策影响程度要远高于其他行业,具有很高的行业特殊性。其次,在血制品行业集中化发展的大背景下,天坛生物打响了 2017 年行业内集中整合的第一枪,这一举动引发了社会广泛的关注度,具有行业典型性。再次,天坛生物无论是经营管理能力还是风险控制能力均位列行业平均水平之上,对其进行财务分析具有行业代表性。
  1.1.2 研究意义。
