

来源:985论文网 添加时间:2020-01-09 14:06

摘 要

  随着互联网普及程度的大大提高以及信息通讯技术的突飞猛进,顺应着时代的潮流诞生了一系列互联网企业。而小米公司作为成立仅有九年的一家互联网公司却凭借着其独有的商业模式在众多互联网企业中脱颖而出,快速成长为了在国内处于领先地位的互联网企业。其不仅凭借着 460 亿美元的估值成为了国内排名第三的独角兽企业,而且还在 2018 年成功在香港证券交易所正式挂牌上市。小米公司的商业模式是企业以较低的利润率销售智能硬件之后,通过搭载在上面的 MIUI 系统为顾客提供互联网服务。可以看出,小米公司本质上是一家互联网公司,只不过其获客渠道区别于传统的互联网企业。




  关键词:风险管理 平衡计分卡 战略风险 层次分析法


  With the great increase in the popularity of the Internet and the rapid advancement ofinformation and communication technologies, a series of Internet companies have been bornin line with the trend of the times As an Internet company founded only nine years ago,Xiaomi has stood out among many Internet companies with its unique business model and hasgrown rapidly to become a leading Internet company in China Not only has it become thethird-ranked unicorn company in China with a valuation of $46 billion, but it has also beenofficially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2018 Xiaomi's business model is thatafter the company sells intelligent hardware at a lower profit margin, it provides Internetservices to customers through the MIUI system It can be seen that Xiaomi Company isessentially an Internet company, except that its customer channel is different from traditionalInternet companies The business of Xiaomi's external sales of intelligent hardware isessentially the channel of its Internet business This is why the public's perception of Xiaomiis more inclined to be a hardware company This business model can promote the stickiness ofXiaomi's Internet business users through the use of intelligent hardware However, because itinvolves both the intelligent hardware industry and the Internet industry, it has made Xiaomimore impactful in achieving its strategic goals, and its strategic risks are more complicated

  Therefore, Xiaomi Company urgently needs a strategic risk management tool that is bothsimple and effective At present, the research on strategic risk at home and abroad tends toexplain its definition, type and cause of comprehensive and precise Few scholars are basedon the development of a strategic risk management theory that is simple and easy tounderstand, enabling business managers to quickly master and integrate with practical work

  The academic community's understanding of the Balanced Scorecard is more of aperformance evaluation tool Although some scholars have combined it with risk management,they have not conducted in-depth research on its application in the field of strategic riskmanagement

  Based on the above background, this paper uses the strategic management tool of Balanced Scorecard to study the issue of Xiaomi's strategic risk management In thetheoretical part, firstly introduce the contents such as the research background, the researchstatus at home and abroad, the basic framework of the paper, etc, and use it as the startingpoint of the article to lead the full text Then draw on the research content of the predecessors,define the strategic risks and introduce the balanced scorecard theory and risk managementtheory throughout the full text Finally, the superiority of introducing the Balanced Scorecardinto strategic risk management is clearly defined In the practice part, following the traditionalrisk management theory, the basic ideas of Xiaomi's strategic risk identification, Xiaomi'sstrategic risk assessment and Xiaomi's strategic risk response are carried out In Xiaomi'sstrategic risk identification process, we first introduce Xiaomi's main business and itsestablished strategic goals Then, the strategic environment in which it is located is analyzedfrom the perspectives of macro, meso and micro Finally, the four aspects of the balancedscorecard are classified into categories for the contradiction between the strategic objectivesand the strategic environment In Xiaomi's strategic risk assessment process, it evaluates fromthe perspective of the possibility of risk occurrence and the negative impact on the strategicobjectives after the risk occurs For the former, the risk of occurrence is scored by a simplefuzzy comprehensive evaluation method For the latter, the hierarchy is first established usingthe four dimensions of the balanced scorecard as a link Then use AHP to determine theweight of strategic risks, and use weight to measure the negative impact of each strategic risk

  In the strategic risk response process of Xiaomi Company, the work of risk response wasfirstly divided according to the nature of the four dimensions of the Balanced Scorecard andthe organizational framework of Xiaomi Company Then, countermeasures were put forwardfor the analysis of the more important strategic risks

  After researching the idea of using the balanced scorecard for Xiaomi's strategic risk, itwas found that Xiaomi's overall strategic risk rating is very close to the lower risk level, andthere are some strategic risks that need to be focused on, such as the risk of income structureand the risk of brand and reputation damaged Thus Xiaomi company should finish somespecific measures such as enhancing the ability of the Internet to liquidate and properly handling the negative information of the internet It can be said that this paper not only findsnew research ideas for strategic risk management of enterprises, but also explains thefeasibility and superiority of introducing balanced scorecard into enterprise strategic riskmanagement from the perspective of practice, and also combines the specific situation ofXiaomi Company A set of processes for strategic risk management based on balancedscorecards can not only strengthen the management level of Xiaomi's strategic risk, but alsoprovide reference for strategic risk management of other similar enterprises

  Key Words:Risk management;Balanced scorecard;Strategic risk;Analytic hierarchyprocess

  目 录

  一、绪 论




  北京小米科技有限责任公司(以下简称小米公司)就是其中的佼佼者。小米公司诞生于2010 年,是一家互联网公司,但其却以包括智能手机在内的各种智能硬件为发家的起点。

  从成立到现在,只用了九年的时间就已经成长为了国内互联网企业的巨头。根据国家权威机构科技部在 2018 年公布的《中国独角兽企业发展报告》中的数据来看,小米公司以 460 亿美元的估值位列国内独角兽企业排名中的第三位。而在 2018 年 7 月 9 日,小米公司又向前迈出了一大步,在香港证券交易所正式挂牌上市。

  小米公司之所以能够成长的如此迅速与其制定的商业模式关系密切,小米公司的商业模式是公司以线上线下相结合的销售渠道向用户出售各种搭载着由小米公司设计的MIUI 操作系统的智能手机或其他智能硬件商品,在拥有的大量智能硬件使用者的基础上,为使用者提供丰富的互联网业务。可以看出,小米公司最终的落脚点为互联网业务,其最终目的是通过提供的互联网服务变现来获取收益,而现如今无论是从公司的财务数据还是从大众认知来看,对小米公司的认识都更倾向于小米公司是一家以手机为主,以其他智能硬件为辅的智能硬件企业。这种理想与现实之间的差距为公司所制定的战略的实现蒙上了不确定性的面纱。

